
When investigating the correlation between salary and other factors, three factors lend themselves to comparison and interpretation. These include gender, age, and ethnicity. A discussion of salary is followed by a discussion of each factor and its correlation with salary level.


From the data, the minimum salary was $9,984 and the maximum $308,250. The mean salary level was $50,688.94. The mean salary could then be used to determine the correlation level of the other factors with salary.

Gender and Salary

Of the respondents, 46.6% were male, with 53,4% being female. Interestingly, both the lowest and highest salary are earned by males. Another interesting factor here is that the very highest salaries, between $198,426 and $308,250 are earned exclusively by male respondents, with 21 of respondents earning within this age bracket. There are 10 females and 5 males earning salaries at the lower end of the scale, namely $12,480....
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