Supreme Court Case

Supreme Court Decision in Re Waterman, 910 2D (N.H. 2006)

The Case

The case addressed in this section of the report is that of Supreme Court case In Re Waterman, 910 A.2d 1175 (N.H. 2006). In this case, Tracy Waterman, working as a trooper for the New Hampshire State Policy was informed on August 29, 3003 that Vicky Lemere, the wife of one of Waterman's fellow troopers, informed Lieutenant Nedeau, one of Waterman's supervisors, that Waterman made threatening remarks about her supervising officers. Lamere alleged that Waterman stated she would 'like to put a bullet in Lieutenant Nedeau's head' and would 'like to deck Sergeant McCormack' if they yelled at her." (Webster, 2007, p.1)

Facts of the Case

Webster's report on this case states that an internal investigation was initiated by the State Police (Division) in which a number of witnesses were interviewed "including Lamere and Waterman."...
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