Nurture Wins


The debate of nature vs. nurture has persisted with intensity over time. Some scholars contend that this debate can be traced back to the times of ancient Greece. In the debate, nature may be referred to as nativism, or innatism. The side of nature contends that a person's natural, in-born, or innate qualities have more of an influence over the person's life. Nurture refers to personal experience, context, and environment (physical and social) with respect to what has a greater influence over a person's character as well as the general outcome of his/her life. It is a debate that has engaged those in the social sciences, such as sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists, as well as debated by political scientists and philosophers. Nurture may also be referred to as behaviorism or empiricism in the context of this debate. It is the position of the paper that though both...
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