epistemological perspective text ( sources) coincides view truth human mind grasps reality. Explain find

There are several different perspectives of epistemology, which is the justification for or the source of belief upon which all knowledge is based. One of the most compelling viewpoints that serve to explain how humans can actually perceive truth is empiricism. Essentially, empiricism is the notion that the truth can be ascertained via sensory information from the five traditional sources (hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling). There are a couple of central tenets to this epistemological approach, one of the most salient of which is the fact that whatever cannot be validated from the five senses cannot be accepted as truth by those adhering to the empirical perspective of epistemology. Still, the rationale behind this point-of-view is extremely logical, represents some of the earliest thought on this subject, and can be readily employed to validate any...
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