New Zealand Constitutional Arrangements


New Zealand's Constitutional Arrangements

A truly effective and relevant Constitution must completely reflect the values and norms of society's leaders and their followers (CAC, 2005). Prime movers in New Zealand believe that fundamental issues about its constitutional arrangements warrant the widest popular discussion and approval and the creation of corresponding reforms. One of these issues is the lack of a written Constitution. New Zealand is one of the only three modern nations today without a codified Constitution. The arguments favoring writtenness demonstrate its superiority. Hence, one of the reforms is the creation of a written Constitution (Salgado, 2012; Martin, 2012; Pek, 1980). The Constitutional Advisory Panel is inviting all New Zealanders to participate and express their views on this reform. Public engagement in the exercise will occur in 5 stages after which collective views will be transmitted to the Ministers for legislation (Scoop, 2012)....
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