Toyota Prius

In the case study, Toyota Prius customers sought to achieve different kinds of goals, which the Prius was able to meet, hence helping its customers achieve these specific goals. Prius customers have a mix of immediate and long-term purchase goals, in addition to personal-material and professional goals (Hawkins and Motherbaugh, 2010, p. 448).

Prius satisfies its customers' long-term, which is to have a fuel efficient car, a concern that is primarily economic and secondarily environmental in consideration. Efficiency was the key to Prius' success in the automobile market: it is the most efficient car model that it eclipsed the performance of its major competitors, Honda and Ford. In addition to long-term goals of having an environmentally-friendly, fuel efficient car, the Prius also responds to customers' immediate professional goals to own a car that is environmentally-friendly and fuel efficient, yet technology-savvy enough to demonstrate that the purchase is a...
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