lessons learnt thirteenth century Mali (West African) life culture Sundiata? How epic read a manual rule,

The Virtues of Sundiata

D.T. Niane's Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali offers a significant amount of information about life in 13th century West Africa, particular that which pertains to the culture of the Mali people. Since this historical novel details the rise to power and the exploits of Sundiata, who is widely credited with engendering and bringing to prominence the Mali people, it gives readers a candid look at the daily life and customs of these people during the time directly preceding and including that of Sundiata's life. Sundiata himself was an exemplary ruler, and displays many characteristics that are worthy of emulation and demonstrative of an ideal way for rulers to govern.

The reader learns a number of salient aspects of the culture of the Mali people while perusing this novel. One...
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