Pressure Ulcers/Case Study

Bedsores are also known as pressure ulcers. They are lesions that are primarily caused when soft tissues are pressed against bone for a long period of time, restricting blood flow to the area. These often occur when a patient is immobile or reclining in a recovery bed for a long period of time. They are common on the hips, elbows, knees, ankles and even the back of the head. Current research shows that they are exacerbated by other conditions like diabetes, perspiration, incontinence, infection, or medications that impair the circulatory system. Pressure ulcers are particularly serious in older patients -- particularly those in a wheel chair or in cases in which the patient does not move or exercise. Bedsores are often fatal, even when treated aggressively and are one of the leading causes of death from complications in many developed countries -- second only to adverse drug...
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