Multiple Intelligences on Personal Success

Multiple Intelligences

In the early 1980s, Howard Gardner first developed his ideas regarding multiple intelligences. His theory posits that each human has pluralistic intelligence -- that intelligence manifests in many ways at once. The theory of multiple intelligence leads to new ideas and perspectives regarding topics in education including types of learners, methodology, and philosophy of education. Gardner classifies the types of intelligences as follows: logical-mathematical; spatial; linguistic; bodily-kinesthetic; musical; interpersonal; intrapersonal; naturalistic; and existential. In an ideal world, each person would develop all their intelligences evenly and developed into truly well-rounded people who are highly capable and flourish. Just from reviewing the list of intelligences, a reader can easily imagine how the development or retardation of certain intelligences play out in one's life and how their development (or lack) has the potential to contribute to a person's success or failure. At first review of...
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