Ancient Greece developed eastern side Mediterranean a series loosely connected City-States. Here seeds modern science. Greek philosophers / scientists, Plato Aristotle (Hellenic Era) wealth devote time study natural phenomena, abstract ideas mathematics, astronomy..ID

Ancient Greece: Overview

Ancient Greece is often called the cradle of civilization because the city-states of Greece, most notably Athens, gave birth to concepts that still inform modern life, such as the significance of empirical, rationalist science and the importance of democracy. In contrast to the hereditary monarchy of Egypt, which exercised considerable centralized control over the entire empire of the Pharaoh, Greece was organized into a series of disparate city-states. Athens was run as a democracy of free-born men, who voted by majority rules on the decisions of the city. "Although there were exceptions, many of the city-states operated on the principle that rulers served the people and did not necessarily rule for life, but could...
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