Grief and Religion

The Five Stages of Grief and Religion

In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss researcher, presented a list of five stages that individuals experience when dealing with death; and since then these principles have since been applied to loss and grief in general. The five stages of the Kubler-Ross model are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and finally Acceptance; and it can be asserted that these stages are experienced in one form or another by all humans regardless of cultural background. ("Five Stages of Grief") In other words, the five stages of loss and grief are emotional reactions that are universally experienced by all humans. (Kubler-Ross, 2005, p. 199) Different religions have traditionally created their own means of dealing with loss and grief particularly from a death, and while they may approach the subject from different points-of-view, they all must deal with the five stages that people experience when...
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