Compassion Fatigue


Compassion Fatigue refers to the potential emotional, spiritual and physical exhaustion experienced by the helping professionals out of repeated exposure to the client's emotional pain. Compassion Fatigue is capable of impacting professional or personal life of a caregiver with symptoms like difficulty in concentrating, emotional distancing or numbness, intrusive imagery, irritability, exhaustion as well as loss of hope. It has even been termed as "the cost of caring" because it can easily affect professionals in any field who happen to come in contact with persons who have been affected by emotional pain or trauma (Compassion Fatigue Awareness Project, 2012). Counselors experiencing compassion fatigue are capable of noticing that they are not emotionally available to themselves or to other important people in their lives.

Described as acknowledgement of another's suffering, compassion tends to be accompanied by expression of a desire of easing or ending the suffering, it forms...
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