Pat Mora -- "Curandera" and "Immigrants" -- are quite different and yet they both express the what it's like to be Latina and they detail experiences that are unique to Latinas in America.

"Curandera": A curandera is a woman of Latina ethnicity who practices folk medicine. In the poem, the curandera has bonded and her life has progressed with and is dependent upon nature -- the desert -- even though she lost her husband. Her craft is about healing, and the relationship to nature is powerfully presented around the theme of healing with folk medicine.

"Her days are slow, days of grinding dried snake into power, of crushing wild bees to mix with white wine." This could be suggesting monotony because she does the same thing every day, grinding and crushing, using the available resources of nature to help people heal. But the coyote and owl, too, do the same...
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