Ending The Nation's Dependence on Fossil Fuels

There are many options available for reducing the nation's dependence on fossil fuels. From the use of biofuel subsidies to foster research & development (R&D) of new fuel forms and technologies to use them (Ngo, 2008) to more effective energy policies that use natural gas, the U.S.' greatest natural resource (Bang, 2010), options abound. What is needed is a concerted, focused energy policy that concentrates on national security while lessening the impact of these fuels on the environment (Migone, 2007). Only by taking this course of action, can the U.S. And other westernized nation so dependent on fossil fuels break their dependence on them. In addition to all these approaches, there needs to be much more aggressive R&D and tax credits given to companies to create clean-burning fuel technologies at costs that are affordable. The development of entirely new approaches to managing existing...
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