As they are interested in increasing economic growth at all costs, while ignoring the short- and long-term impacts that their actions could have on the population. This is evidence, of the validity of the criticisms leveled against: the World Bank, it policies and its role. Where, they would play a part in helping to support, various activities that are contradictory to their intended purpose. In this aspect the various criticisms are accurate, as they highlight a hypocrisy that exists between: World Bank policy and its long-term effects upon a country.


About Us, 2009, World Bank. Available from: [5 October 2010].

China Overtakes Japan as World's Second Largest Economy, 2010, Bloomberg. Available from: [5 October 2010].

Fighting Poverty, 2010, World Bank. Available from: [5 October 2010].

Global Monitoring Report 2009, 2009, World Bank. Available from: [5 October 2010].

Summit on Millennium Development Goals, 2010, UN. Available...
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