Grieving Process

A.) Compare and contrast the grieving process as defined by Kubler-Ross and the story of Job with that of at least one other religion.

Within the biblical Book of Job, God and Satan strike a deal to test the faith of a prosperous farmer, afflicting him with a series of calamities to test Satan's proposition that Job is pious simply because God has erected a "wall around" him of worldly blessings. The tragedies which soon befall Job, including the loss of his wealth, his livestock and ultimately his offspring, should in all likelihood result in an overwhelming sense of grief and loss, however, Job displays stoicism throughout his ordeal. Job's refusal to succumb to the self-pity that grief so often produces can be compared to the Kubler-Ross model of stages of grief, because Job appears to cycle through each of the Kubler -Ross model's five distinct stages of...
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