Character Comparison

Comparison: Revenge and its Motivators in Frankenstein and Wuthering Heights

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights are two of the most significant literary works in history, both maintaining the ability to remain successful and relevant far beyond the years immediately following their respective publications. While each novel is exceedingly different from one another, with one focusing on the perils brought about by a man-made monster who seeks to torment his creator and the other focusing largely on a pair of lovers caught in a tumultuous relationship that never allows them to truly be together, the theme of revenge and its ability to transform an individual completely is one that runs through each respective novel in a significant way. Doctor Frankenstein's Monster and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights are two characters who are both tormented and driven by the thought of revenge, and by the end of each...
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