Workforce Planning - Verizon compared Sprint, AT&T T-Mobile. This part group project, discussing difference top phone companies. See attached.

Workforce planning

Workforce planning is a very challenging process for most companies. Most companies will want to cut on extra cost hence some of them end up paying their workers minimum pay with minimal benefit package. Workforce planning encompasses, attracting, recruiting and selecting, induct, train and develop the workers, motivate, manage and reward performance, retain and support, and lastly, leading and communicating. It also entails assisting a business to undertake expansions, restructures and downsize in a strategic manner, by ensuring that the right staff are recruited on time and retained in the business for its future growth (Caligiuri, 2010).

Workforce planning involves five key steps, having a workforce gap analysis to ascertain the workforce future supply and demand and to establish the future gaps, then the workforce plan is developed and...
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