Skittles, Death Brings Both Profit Risk" http://www.nytimes./2012/03/29//skittles-sales-trayvon-martin-shooting.html PLEASE CUT AND PASTE THIS LINK AND READ CAREFULLY TOP TO BOTTOM ************************************************************************************************ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY FROM START TO END THEN START YOUR WRITING You Chief Strategist a leading community relations consulting firm.

For Skittles, Death Brings Both Profit and Risk

Skittles is one of the most profitable candy brands in the world, with a globe wide presence and popularity. Throughout the past recent months, it has registered dramatic increases in its sales levels, but this increase is not entirely positive for the firm.

In February 2012, Trayvon Martin, an African-American teenage boy, was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a crime watch volunteer (The New York Times, 2012). Martin was unarmed and only carried a bag of Skittles and a bottle of frozen tea.

The initial investigation ruled in favor of Zimmerman and decided that no charges would be pressed. This pronouncement...
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