Question: Does Craigslist make it difficult to find a new job because of its navigation?

Both R1 and R3 felt this was the case. "It's a mish-mash" of positions and makes it difficult to find exactly the job of interest is what R1 said. Both felt that a more complete search functionality would be very useful. R3 felt that the lack of personalization mad4e it a matter of luck to find a job of interest that precisely would match her need.

Question: What would you change about the navigation of Craigslist to make it easier to use for job search?

R1 said that a multi-tier search with attributes that could be defined by the user would be excellent, and R3 felt that having a relative measure of the trustworthiness of the posting and verification would be useful. Both felt that in its current state the website had limited value yet...
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