Graphic Design

The objective of this work is to examine the knowledge needed by the graphic designer both historically and in today's modern world.

Swanson (2010) writes in the work entitled "Graphic Design Education as a Liberal Art: Design and Knowledge in the University and the 'Real World'" states "Though hardly homogeneous, the vast majority of graphic design programs, whether in vocational schools, art schools, or universities, are, at least in concept, vocational training programs." (p.3)

The Composition of Graphic Design As A Liberal Art

Swanson examines what graphic design would entail as a liberal art and states that it would take various forms. Swanson states specifically that design should be

"…about the relationship of form and communication. It is one of the fields where science and literature meet. It can shine a light on hidden corners of sociology and history. Design's position as conduit for and shaper of popular...
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