Carrying on: The experience of premature menopause in women with early stage breast cancer," concerning its rigor as a grounded theory study, its contribution to nursing and its usefulness in practice. A summary of the research and important findings are presented in the conclusion.

Description and Summarize of Key Research Components:

The title of the journal article under consideration is "Carrying on: The experience of premature menopause in women with early stage breast cancer," by T.M. Knobf (2002), appearing in Nursing Research, volume 51, issue 1, pages 9-17.

In her abstract, the researcher includes the background of the problem, the objectives of the study, the methods used and the results obtained, as well as conclusions and key words.

Introduction. The introduction is used to expand on the background initially presented in the abstract, including an overview of the prevalence of breast cancer in the United States and the treatments used...
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