NGO Management Information System

Today, the effective management of any contemporary organization has largely become dependent on management information systems (MIS) in place. It is important to note that when it comes to the formalization and implementation of organization-wide procedures and systems, the relevance of information systems cannot be overstated. In this text, I will come up with a recommendation of an appropriate MIS for a Non-Governmental Organization undertaking its operations in a third world setting.

Management Information Systems: A Brief Overview

According to Lucey (2004), MIS does not have an assigned definition. In the author's opinion, the definition of MIS is largely dependent upon the emphasis of any given writer. However, one way of defining MIS according to Lecuit, et al. (1999, p. 2) "is as a tool to collect, analyze, store and disseminate information useful for decision-making in a project." Hence in basic terms, MIS can be viewed...
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