The emotions flow freely culminating in hugs, kisses and even letting Scout watch her (Calpurnia) make supper. Since she previously treated Calpurnia at a distance, Scout wonders as to what had led to Calpurnia's change of heart. From this episode, Scout learns that, at some point in time, it pays to treat people with love and affection.

Scout introduces Miss Maudie by listing her good attributes. In chapter five, Scout proudly talks of the trust she had in Miss Maudie. She terms Miss Maudie as a person to trust, a good friend and as the best lady she knew (Milton, 10). This trust bred respect and the ability to talk and consult on anything from Miss Maudie. Miss Maudie gets singled out as the best friend and person Scout could have.

In this instance, Scout learns that the ability to gain trust, respect and friendship lay in the way a...
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