This is because the revolutionary leaders are no better than the current government, where they are engaging various activities of corruption that is delegitimizing the revolution. To illustrate this, Porter uses the character of Braggioni; he is a revolutionary leader that is supposed to represent the promise of the new leaders (strong, young and idealistic). Yet, Braggioni is: fat, out shape and unkempt.

Clearly he is incapable of redemption, evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than comments that Braggioni makes about people who supported him during the revolution. A good example of this can be found in the passage where it says "Now, years later, he is revolutionary and leader of men who whisper secrets in his ear. He encourages them, gives them money, promises them jobs, and tells them they must join unions, take part in demonstrations, and attend meetings. However, he tells Laura, "They...
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