These researchers examined the notion of forgiveness in formal therapy in the article entitled, "Positive Responses to Benefit and Harm: Bringing Forgiveness and Gratitude into Cognitive Psychotherapy." I found this article particularly compelling because it demonstrated how scientists and shrinks were turning with more attention to the powerful process of forgiveness and using it in clinical settings and encouraging their patients to use it. For example, "Forgiveness and gratitude represent positive psychological responses to interpersonal harms and benefits that individuals have experienced. In the present article we first provide a brief review of the research that has shown forgiveness and gratitude to be related to various measures of physical and psychological well-being" (Bono et al., 2006). I found it interesting, as forgiveness is something that I mostly view as coming from a strictly religious place. Rather, after reading this article, I see that forgiveness comes from a place of needing...
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