Erin Brockovich

Did you come away from the movie convinced that the company had done wrong and that Masry and Erin had performed a beneficial service? If so, why did you reach those conclusions?

Yes, the company had been involved in wrongdoing and Masry / Erin performed a beneficial service. This is because PG&E was buying up homes that were contaminated (based on their waste management practices). They would then destroy these properties and act as if they had done nothing wrong. The fact that they had to fight so hard, in order for the firm to rectify the situation is a sign of how they did not care. If Masry and Erin were not persistent these issues would have become much worse. (Devito & Soderbergh, 2000)

How might the basic story have been slanted more toward the company with equivalent dramatic effect?

This could have taken place with an...
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