Overall, however, any Emergency NP is capable of handling extremely stressful situations and of ensuring that he or she is ready for the next difficult condition that appears.

Southern Universities Offering Nursing Education

There are many universities all over the country that offer nursing education. In the south, many of these universities are concentrated in Alabama and Florida. Auburn University in Alabama has a school of nursing that was founded in 1979 (Auburn). The school's nursing program is designed for the adult or family nurse practitioner, and does not offer other specialties. However, it does offer courses such as Healthcare Policy and Ethics, along with Advanced Theoretical Formulations. The NP designation requires 43 credit hours and 840 clinical hours over a total of six semesters Auburn, 2012). That makes the degree relatively comprehensive, and compares favorably with other programs in the south (Auburn, 2012). The University of Alabama also offers...
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