In meiosis the chromosomes are reduced in half, with the phases being: Interphase, Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II. Finally, mitosis creates all other cells with the exception of sex cells, while meiosis creates egg and sperm cells only (Meiosis vs. Mitosis, 2008)

Phases -- Meiosis: 1) Meiosis 1 -- separates chromosomes in half; DNA is exchanged and chromosomes coil and uncoil and share information; 2) Metaphase 1 -- Chromosomes align along an equatorial plane; 3) Anaphase 1 -- Kinetochore (bipolar spindles) shorten and pull the chromosomes apart; 4) Telophase 1 -- the chromosomes arrive at the pole and each daughter cell has 1/2 the number of chromosomes; 5) Meiosis II -- final process in which chromosomes are pulled apart and form four haploid cells. Mitosis: 1) Interphase -- preparation for cell division by production of proteins; 2) Preprophase...
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