Whether or not we are experts in technical fields, practically all contemporary business communications require the ability to communicate similar ideas to audiences with different comprehension levels about our topic. In that respect, Zeltser's article is helpful to a very wide audience.

Another useful source of information about communications skills is the article titled "Nonverbal Communication Tips: Improve Your Nonverbal

Communication Skills with these Tips" by About.com contributing writer Kendra Cherry (2012). Cherry explains the importance of understanding nonverbal communications in face-to-face interactions. Those skills may be especially important to practice in an age where so much of our interpersonal communications take place via a digital medium.

Communications Skills Self-Assessment

In college, the majority of our graded academic assignments involve the formal written expression of ideas (such as on examinations and in out-of-class writing assignments). As a result, it is likely that we receive much better feedback and constructive criticism...
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