She should take drugs for rapid onset of symptoms only when called for but drugs that keep her level as time goes on should be taken consistently (Brasher, 2012).

Question 11

The girl needs to not mow the lawn anymore or otherwise expose herself to situations that can lead to attacks (Brasher, 2012).

2. Chapter 6: COPD

Question 1

The patient should be asked if she is currently smoking, is around someone that is smoking or has a closely-related person (a parent in particular) that does. The patient should be asked if she or anyone in her family has a history of heart issues (due to the ankle swelling combined with the shortness of breath). Should be asked if there have been any notable changes in weight in either direction and whether there is any sputum or other symptoms (Brasher, 2012).

Question 2

The patient should be asked how long...
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