Let's just talk here at the beginning about doing things differently. How about this -- are you right-handed?

Gina: No, I'm left-handed, why?

Therapist: What if I asked you to start brushing your teeth with your right hand. Tonight, after your dinner, use your right hand.

Gina: Okay but that will seem weird and I might not be very good.

Therapist: Once you do it for a while, how would that seem to you? For example, your next appointment is in a week, that will give you 7 days to practice. How would that work for you?

Gina: I believe it would begin to seem fairly routine if I did it long enough.

Therapist: And seeing how this change could be possible could lead to other changes in your life. Are you ready here today to open the door to changes?

Gina: And what is your part in this? How...
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