Level 2: Beginning: Children can make use of simple phrases. Level 3: Developing: Children exhibit hesitant use of written and spoken academic and social English. Level 4: Expanding: Children show comfort with social English, while have difficulty with academic English. Level 5: Bridging: Children are capable of understanding both academic and social English with competency, although with some difficulty (Law & Eckes 2007, p.47).

The question of whether an incoming student can read at all -- or can read, just not in English -- is a critical question that must be addressed during an initial student assessment. A home language survey can be an important introduction to the child's cultural setting and educational background, although the information obtained from such visits is always incomplete, as the language and full scope of the child's formal schooling can be difficult to discern from such a visit (Law & Eckes 2007, p.48). Talking...
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