The goddess' relationship with Odysseus and Telemachus is similar, though she takes more of a parental role with Telemachus, who lacks the maturity of his father. With Penelope, Athena only interacts to the extent that it helps her objectives regarding Odysseus.

5) the Odyssey is more about Telemachus because Odysseus is fully-formed but Telemachus comes of age. Much of Odysseus' tale is more for entertainment while Telemachus' tale is richer in morals and insight.

6) Krishna inspires Arjuna by pointing out that the prince's misunderstandings, such as the nature of life and death, and that for him to stay out of battle would upset the balance of the universe. He realizes that Arjuna must see the truth for himself in order to fight.

7) the Bhagavad Gita stresses that the individual must understand the universe and fulfill his or her role in it - that individualism should not run counter...
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