Komisi Nasional Anti-Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan - KNAKTP

National Commission on Violence Against Women addresses policy reform at the national level, which may or may not prove to be effective in Cambodia, depending on officials leading government. (Organizations Addressing VAW, 2008) Findings from the survey reported by Knight (2006) stress that the challenge "to establish and implement a culture-sensitive standard of justice," is at times difficult. Forum Pemerhati Masalah Perempuan - FPMP, which focusing on raising awareness in a rural area (Organizations Addressing VAW, 2008) could benefit Cambodia, provided the awareness includes relating feasible solutions. Malaysia's efforts include All Women's Action Society (AWAM), Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) and Women's Crisis Centre (WCC) in its campaign against domestic violence (Organizations Addressing VAW, 2008) may not be as effective in Cambodia, due to potential noted delays and challenges experiences in Malaysia.

Service Oriented

In Indonesia, Gerakan Anti-Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Indonesia - GAKTPI, Anti-Violence...
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