This is an invaluable tool for analyzing how to improve the internal communication systems, processes and procedures as a result.

A second series of tools are business process management (BPM) and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) based, and provides the next step in streamlining the internal communication system of a company. BPR techniques can take a more strategic overview of where internal communication systems are strong and weak, and through the use of the data from value stream mapping, also define strategies for enabling greater performance as well (Ramirez, Melville, Lawler, 417). BPR-based techniques are highly effective for completely redefining the structure of an organization to make communication more focused on strategy and less on functional dividing lines.


The use of value stream mapping, BPM and BPR tools and techniques will quickly tell a company how effective they are being in communicating or not. It will also define the strengths...
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