F. "A.F" stands for the absolute god of this new world, Ford, an obvious allusion to Henry Ford one of the greatest and most successful manufacturers in history. The main slogan of this world is however different from that of Nineteen Eighty-Four: "Community, Identity, Stability."(Huxley, 1) the "brave new world" is not based on terror as Orwell's world was, but on conditioning and effective suggestions. Thus, the main difference is that in Orwell's world everything is done by psychological determination, whereas here the world is controlled by "New Pavlovian Conditioning." The population is here literally controlled since birth through scientific means: the human embryos are hatched in laboratories and afterwards separated in five strict classes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons. Then hypnopaedia (repeated messages played during sleep) and negative stimuli (electric shock) are applied so that the individual development is thoroughly controlled. The main aim here is to abolish...
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