Ancient history [...] Oracle of Delphi in Ancient Greece, including the important aspects of the cultural experience that took place at Delphi. Delphi was one of the most significant oracles in Ancient Greece. The Greeks submitted their most vital state constitutions to the oracle for approval, and the Delphian god answered the most sacred and important questions of the day, as well (Burkert 116). Culturally, the Oracle at Delphi was a significant part of the everyday lives and society of the people, who based their government, battles, and significant decisions on the Oracle's prophesies. In addition, Apollo, the most important Greek god, ruled over the Oracle at Delphi, and was "present" during consultations when the oracle spoke. Thus, the Oracle at Delphi was one of the most significant oracles in Greece, and had incredible influence over the people's lives. The cultural experience at Delphi encompassed many aspect of Greek life,...
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