" (McAdams, 2006) the problem seems top be that healthcare concerns are not very high on the list of priorities of the government of Russia. However, there are reports that doctors in the country are simply not well prepared to perform their function.

III. World's Most Polluted Places

The article entitled "World's Most Polluted Places - Rudnaya Prinstan/Dalnegorsk, Russia" published by the Blacksmith Institute states that: "Dalnegorsk and Rudnaya Pristan are two towns in the Russian Far East whose residents suffer from serious lead poisoning from an old smelter and the unsafe transport of lead concentrate from the local lead mining site. According to the most recent study, lead concentrations in residential gardens (476-4310 mg/kg, Gmean=1626 mg/kg) and in roadside soils (2020-22900 mg/kg, Gmean=4420 mg/kg) exceed USEPA guidance for remediation by orders of magnitude. These data suggest that drinking water, interior dust, and garden crops also likely contain dangerous levels...
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