
But whoops, from inside the wall that he had so carefully reconstructed to hide his evil deed, came a "cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman - a howl - a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell..."

So what the reader now is seeing and feeling is well, you wild crazy person, you are being paid back for your sins; your karma has come back to haunt you, insane soul that you are. And then, of course, more police arrived and they tore the bricks away and now Poe enjoys sharing with the reader the gory details of the rotting body. "The corpse, already greatly decayed and clotted with gore, stood erect before the eyes of the spectators."...
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