Hitler's anti-Semitism was an integral compound of German nationalist ideology in its radical form and his ideas of Holocaust and expropriations from Jews were met with enthusiasm of Nazi fanatics. Such practices led to the feudalist brutalism, as a majority of German military enterprises were using slave labor of Jews and Slavs, turning on of the most democratic European economies, into a totalitarian one, which practiced slave labor.

Besides mercantilism of Germans in the years of WW2, which was stimulated by anti-Semitic policies of Nazi government, an integral component of Nazi administration became corruption, which quickly spread all over state and army hierarchy. Corruption is an integral component of any dictatorship or authoritarian regime, it may be masked but it's always present. Schindler's manipulations with German officials, his bribes and "presents" to different Nazi officials help him to save his workers from being killed or sent to concentration camps. In...
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