Additionally, after 9/11, "the FAA engineers and scientists addressed the flammability of fuel tanks by developing a practical inerting system, eventually resulting in a regulation that mandates flammability reduction in systems," (Dorr 2008). The FAA has been very crucial in research and development of systems that make airplanes safer for consumers and businesses by eliminating some of the threats that were seen in the 9/11 attacks.

Moreover, the Transportation Security Administration has been crucial in post 9/11 security strategies revolving around travel. This agency has responsibility over both commercial and passenger flights, with agents being responsible for inspection of baggage and cargo (Transportation Security Administration 2012). Agents work around the world to ensure that the same level of security experienced here in the United States is also seen abroad. According to research, members of this agency "serve as transportation security liaisons" who are responsible of ensuring safe travel and catching...
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