Teen Traffic Accidents & Fatalities

According to the Institute for Highway Safety, in every developed country around the world, teenage drivers are considered a major hazard. In the United States, this problem is magnified, as American teenagers are allowed to get their licenses at an earlier age than in most other countries, and little driving experience is required before licenses are issued (AAP, 2005). In addition, American driver's licenses are inexpensive and easy to obtain, making them widely accessible to teenagers. As a result, this country has a greatly elevated crash risk among young drivers.

While teenagers drive less than all other age groups, with the exception of the oldest Americans, the number of crashes and vehicle-related fatalities are high amongst this age group (AAP, 2005). According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): "The risk of crash involvement per mile driven among drivers 16-19 years old is 4 times...
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