humans experience several stages of development throughout the lifespan. Nearly all recognize clear differences between an infant, toddler, adolescent, and adult. Although many, throughout history and the world, allege theories of human development, this phenomenon currently falls mainly within the realm of psychology. Not surprisingly, there exist many psychological theories of development, each with defining and respectable characteristics. However, two of the most well-known are those of Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg. While a cursory discussion of their complete theories of development is necessary for contextual purposes, of particular interest are their concepts regarding early adolescence.

Erikson stated that humans develop through progressive psychosocial stages. Furthermore, he contended that each stage involves a conflict that one must resolve in order to proceed to the next level. In infancy, humans experience the trust vs. mistrust stage, during which time they form lasting impressions about the world; this naturally takes place through...
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