Child Psychology

Mander, G. (May 2001). "Fatherhood Today: variations on a theme." Psychodynamic Counselling, Vol. 7, Issue 2.

This journal article centers on the increasing role that fathers play in parenting, especially among single parents. Mander discusses how parenting among fathers has become more an exception than the norm, and they were relegated to "minimal" roles that downplay their role as a parent, such as simply being "mere sperm donors." The article recommends that laws should be studied in order to improve the state of single parenting in society, for it is possible for children to experience having a 'complete family' even though their parents are separated. This, for the author, is a big step towards improving marriage and family laws, resulting to better child development in the process.

Seaman, P. And H. Sweeting. (June 2004). "Assisting young people's access to social capital in contemporary families: a qualitative study." Journal...
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