Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Specifically it will discuss the symbolism of Narnia in the book -- what does Narnia symbolize? There are many ideas of what Narnia symbolizes in this book, but it seems the most common and accepted idea is that Narnia symbolizes Heaven and peace. Narnia is a cold land until the children release it from the grip of the White Witch, and then it becomes a perfect, dreamlike land where time has no meaning and life is wonderful. Narnia represents our ideas of heaven and how our lives will be once we arrive in the "promised land."

Narnia represents Heaven and eternal life for a number of reasons. First, when Lucy first returns from Narnia through the wardrobe door, the other children do not believe her, and do not believe it is possible to travel to another world through the wardrobe. Lucy...
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