Mention of the nation's capital appears throughout as key pictures (the first picture that appears on its home base), as its name, its logo, and in its slogans. A bust of a confidant Washington is featured on one of its websites. It proclaims itself to be surrounded by "the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, and the U.S. State Department." It is, as it wants to show: "At the center of it all." Consequently, it shows students who project the image and garb of smart-dressed professionals, alumni who now work 'around the world,' and promotes itself as disseminating an image of "responsibility, passion, and globalization" through "ethical leadership and sustainable business practices."

Far more of a formal atmosphere than Smith, GWSB takes pride in pointing out that its alumni work in high-profile executive positions and in Government and World Bank services. High-brow and sophisticated, GWSB projects itself as conservative and...
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