This is one of the greatest limitations of this technology. A second major disadvantage of RDBMS-based systems is their lack of support for image- and spatial-based databases that include Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings, 3D rendering and model-based data. Their table-based structure is inefficient in defining the attributes of these data types and lacks the necessary data tagging and data types to manage imaging and CAD-based design files and data sets. Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS) are more adept at managing graphical data elements and indexing them for future use (Lungu, Velicanu, Botha, 2009). A third limitation of RDBMS architectures is the lack of support for defining complex interrelationships of data, which is often required for data mining and the intensive analysis used for sentiment and content analysis of social networks for example (Seng, 2003). The emerging areas of latent semantic indexing (LSI) and linguistic analysis, two critical technologies the Google...
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