Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Specifically it will discuss how Lewis uses greed as a theme throughout the story. When Edmund arrives in Narnia for the first time, he meets the White Witch, who feeds him Turkish Delight, a delectable candy that he begins to crave. As his cravings grow worse, Edmund becomes greedy and selfish, and his greed turns him against his brothers and sisters. Only when Edmund can overcome his greed can he rejoin his family and regain his kindness.

From their very first meeting, the White Witch knows how to control Edmund, and this is quite important to the story. Her control creates a rift between the children, and makes them easier to conquer in her eyes. To control Edmund, she feeds him candy and he gorges on it, only wanting more and more to be satisfied. Lewis writes of this first meeting,...
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