Sound Recordings

Five Books for Children

Bernstein, Margery. (1999) Stop that noise! New York: Millbrook Press.

Best suited for young children, this book underlines how music is not something one should be intimidated when 'making' -- rather music is just wonderful noise, with rhythm, melody, and in sync with the noise of others. It tells the story of three children named Mark, Sara, and Tom who are noisy kids, not because they are bad, but because they love music. Mark plays drums. Sara sings. And Tom makes music with everything. Students can be encouraged to imitate this characters -- playing with a rubber band like Mark, singing along with Sarah, and even making their own 'drums' on their bodies, like Mark, or with drumsticks. (7)

Campbell, Don G. (2000) The Mozart effect for children: awakening your child's mind, health, and creativity with music. New York: Morrow.

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